Benefits of Zoho Books

Despite the misleading name, Zoho Books has nothing to do with books. On the contrary, it is another great system by Zoho dedicated to growing businesses. It is one of the most popular accounting solutions on the market that will ensure that you are always on track with your cash flow.

Like all other Zoho services, Zoho Books is extremely easy to use and is also equipped with all the necessary tools to help you control all financial aspects of your business. Since it was designed for growing businesses which includes start-ups and small companies, it is one of the most affordable accounting systems on the market.  

With this said, which are the main benefits of Zoho Books and why should you consider using it?

Automatic systems

Zoho Books has been designed to save you time and ensure financial safety. As an example, you can and should take advantage of the automatic bank feeds. All you need to do is link your bank accounts to Zoho Books and all occurring transactions will be automatically imported. This eliminates the need of data entry which, in result, saves you time and any potential risks.

Besides that, you can also set automatic payment reminders to be sent to your customers or clients according to the required frequency. This way, you will again be relieved from certain time-consuming operations.

Control your progress

Whenever you complete a project, you can log into the system and fill in all the necessary details like, for example, completion time. With this, Zoho Books will calculate the exact expenses for the given project and thus, send an invoice to the client or customer. Once again, it is another valuable option that will save you time and make the process simpler.

Make your customers feel engaged

Customers love it when they are made part of the processor when you show them that their opinion matters. With Zoho Books, you can give additional access to your customers that is rarely possible on other platforms.

For example, you can grant them access to their own estimates and invoices while you can also give them access to initiate payments through the integrated system. One other feature that is usually not available is the ability to comment on estimates and also accept or decline them.

In other words, you can definitely make your customers feel involved in the working process.

Manage your inventory and stocks

Inventory management is not a common feature for accounting systems but it is nonetheless available for you with Zoho Books. In other words, you can take full control over your stocks and inventory and inspect them at any given time. You can also initiate purchases and keep track of the progress. Last but not least, you will get automatic reports that will always keep you updated on what is in stock and what needs to be restocked.

You can use it on mobile devices

Another extremely helpful feature is the mobile availability of Zoho Books. As long as you are an Android or iOS user, you can download their app and manage your finances at any moment.