The Benefits of Email Marketing

Many believe that email marketing and the overall concept of writing emails is dead or useless with the existence of social media and other faster tools for communication. On the contrary, the use of emails has most likely never been more valuable since the creation of the web.

When it comes to email marketing, it appears that most customers prefer this method of receiving updates and information. Moreover, business owners and marketers claim that email marketing is behind a large percentage of their overall success.

If you have been wondering whether you should incorporate email marketing to your business strategies, here are 5 key benefits that should be enough to get you to work.

1. Budget-Friendly

When you start your business, you want to optimize everything to be both affordable and at the same time, effective. While there will always be bigger companies that can afford to get the most expensive marketing and advertisement, email marketing is the cheapest and often most effective method of connecting with your audience.

Email marketing campaigns are the most direct way to address your customers and also the simplest. You do not need a whole team of creators to get a campaign running. If you have some more time on your hands, you can even do it yourself.

2. Sales

If a customer has given their email for updates, it means that he or she is interested in what you are doing. It does not matter if they already made a purchase or they abandoned their cart, you can give them a boost in confidence or catch their attention onto some other type of product.

According to several studies and examinations, email marketing is the most profitable strategy out of all the advertising methods out there. All you need to do is take full advantage of one thing called impulse buying.

This does not mean to overfill their inboxes with offers and product recommendations. Instead, give your customers some value – use your emails to present featured products that might interest them or even add a special discount/offer if they make a purchase.

3. Communication

Customers love it when you make them feel special. There is no better way to do that than making them feel like they are an individual that interests you rather than a group. Fortunately, we have emails that we can use to communicate with our customers and keep them engaged with your company or product.

There is, of course, a fine line between positive communication and disruptive behavior that will make them click the unsubscribe button. Once again, you need to provide value and show people that you care about their opinion.

4. Self-Promotion

In cases when there is not enough budget for expensive advertisements, self-promotion remains the most affordable method of getting attention and sales. However, not everyone feels comfortable enough to self-promote on the street or social media, for example.

An email marketing campaign is the least troublesome method because you will be promoting your brand to people that have actually requested it by leaving their emails. Since you know that these people do actually want to hear from you, you can send them all the types of advertisements that you could think of – content, products, or discounts.

5. Feedback

Customer experience should be your number one priority if you want your brand to succeed and remain successful in the distant future.

There is no better way to get feedback from your audience than sending them feedback surveys that they could complete in less than a couple of minutes. Then, you will get a better idea of what you need to improve and which sectors need to be changed in order to achieve higher customer satisfaction.

Plus, people love to feel engaged with their favorite brands.